Routing behavior when multiple k8s clusters and overlapping route53 subdomains


I'd like to know how would traffic be routed if I have the following scenario:

  • Kubernetes cluster DEV with Ingress Controller resolved on: *
  • Kubernetes cluster MAIN with Ingress Controller resolved on *

My questions are regarding these situations:

  1. What if I deployed an application on BOTH k8s clusters with ingress Would route53 resolve to cluster DEV or cluster MAIN?
  2. What if I removed the application from k8s cluster DEV keeping all the other setup the same? Would my requests be routed to cluster MAIN? If not, can I do something so that this happens?

I don't have the means to test what would happen in these scenarios, so I'd like some insights whether or not I should pursue the plan I have in mind.

-- LIvanov

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