openshift distribute pods in one project to specific nodes


I have 3 cpu nodes and 1 gpu node on my cluster. As a default, the projects should deploy to the cpu nodes and only when specified to the gpu nodes. I added defaultNodeSelector: "graphic=cpu" to the projectConfig section in master-config.yaml to achieve this purpose.

The problem now when i create a deploymentConfig and assign it to the gpu node using node selector, I get the error pod node label selector conflicts with its project node label selector.

I tried removing the defaultNodeSelector line and added nodeSelectorLabelBlacklist: - graphic=gpu to the PodNodeConstraints section in master-config.yaml, but this did not work at all. Despite this config the pods of the default projects got scheduled to the gpu node :/


Does any body has an Idea how to achieve such stuff?

-- alixander

1 Answer


You have set here a cluster-wide configuration which cannot be overridden at the Pod level.

Probably, the simplest fix in this instance, assuming you have other projects that want to leverage the cluster-wide config is to edit the namespace for this particular project and set the "".

For each workload in this project then set the desired node as appropriate in each deployment or deploymentconfig. That should fix the issue for you.

Perhaps, if this is not a one off case for you, take a look at other scheduling features such as taints and tolerations or pod affinity

-- PhilipGough
Source: StackOverflow