Helm: grabbing content of a file from values.yaml


I am trying to put the content of a configuration file inside values.yaml and get it.

For example:

This is the values.yaml:

configuration: |
  # Some comments
  my_folder = /usr/local/my_folder

  # The folder where my app should store its log files
  # This path must be absolute
  base_log_folder = /usr/local/app/logs

  # Logging options
  remote_logging = False
  remote_log_conn_id =
  remote_base_log_folder =
  encrypt_logs = False

and this is a configMap where I should put the content in:

apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: "{{ template "app.fullname" . }}-config"
  my.cfg: |
{{ HELM }}

In "HELM" tag, I tried several options of tpl and include, all without reaching my goal.

As non-optimal solution I put the content of my configuration in a file and grab it with

{{ .Files.Get "files/my.configuration" | indent 4 }}

I am asking for some suggestions about the possibility to have all in values.yaml, please. Thank you in advance.

-- Nicola Ben

1 Answer


As you are using | on your YAML, you are defining a Multiline YAML String, which means that your configuration key has a single string value with line breaks on it (\n).

You can simply define your ConfigMap template like this:

apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: "{{ template "app.fullname" . }}-config"
{{- toYaml $.Values.configuration | nindent 4 }}

After rendering, the resulting ConfigMap will be deployed as:

apiVersion: v1
  my.cfg: |
    # Some comments
    my_folder = /usr/local/my_folder

    # The folder where my app should store its log files
    # This path must be absolute
    base_log_folder = /usr/local/app/logs

    # Logging options
    remote_logging = False
    remote_log_conn_id =
    remote_base_log_folder =
    encrypt_logs = False
kind: ConfigMap
  name: test-config
-- Eduardo Baitello
Source: StackOverflow