AWS-EKS: An error occurred: some backup storage locations are invalid


When execute the command to install the Velero tool on AWS-EKS using the command below shows an error,

velero install \
    --provider aws \
    --bucket $BUCKET \
    --secret-file ./credentials-velero \
    --backup-location-config region=$REGION \
    --snapshot-location-config region=$REGION

An error occurred: some backup storage locations are invalid: backup store for location "default" is invalid: rpc error: code = Unknown desc = AuthorizationHeaderMalformed: The authorization header is malformed; the Credential is mal-formed; expecting "/YYYYMMDD/REGION/SERVICE/aws4_request". status code: 400, request id: XXXXXXX, host id: XXXXXX

I have followed the steps here and install kube2iam

-- lakshmikandan

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