Is Apache Nifi ready to use with Kubernetes in production?


I am planning to setup Apache Nifi on Kubernetes and make it to production. During my surfing I didn't find any one who potentially using this combination for production setup.

Is this good idea to choose this combination. Could you please share your thoughts/experience here about the same.

-- user2858005

2 Answers


As mentioned in the Comments, work has been done regarding Nifi on Kubernetes, but currently this is not generally available.

It is good to know that there will be dataflow offerings where Nifi and Kubernetes meet in some shape or form during the coming year.* So I would recommend to keep an eye out for this and discuss with your local contacts before trying to build it from scratch.

*Disclaimer: Though I am an employee of Cloudera, the main driving force behind Nifi, I am not qualified to make promises and this is purely my own view.

-- Dennis Jaheruddin
Source: StackOverflow


I would like to invite you to try a Helm chart at

We've been maintaining a 5-node Nifi cluster on GKE (Google Kubernetes Engine) in a production environment without major issues and performing pretty good. Please let me know if you find any issues on running this chart on your environment.

-- accbel
Source: StackOverflow