Python client for accessing kubernetes cluster on GKE


I am struggling to programmatically access a kubernetes cluster running on Google Cloud. I have set up a service account and pointed GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS to a corresponding credentials file. I managed to get the cluster and credentials as follows:

import google.auth
from import ClusterManagerClient
from kubernetes import client

credentials, project = google.auth.default(


cluster_manager = ClusterManagerClient(credentials=credentials)
cluster = cluster_manager.get_cluster(project, 'us-west1-b', 'clic-cluster')

So far so good. But then I want to start using the kubernetes client:

config = client.Configuration() = f'https://{cluster.endpoint}:443'
config.verify_ssl = False
config.api_key = {"authorization": "Bearer " + credentials.token}
config.username = credentials._service_account_email


kub = client.CoreV1Api()

And I get an error message like this:

pods is forbidden: User "12341234123451234567" cannot list resource "pods" in API group "" at the cluster scope: Required "container.pods.list" permission.

I found this website describing the container.pods.list, but I don't know where I should add it, or how it relates to the API scopes described here.

-- Lucas

1 Answer


As per the error:

pods is forbidden: User "12341234123451234567" cannot list resource "pods" in API group "" at the cluster scope: Required "container.pods.list" permission.

it seems evident the user credentials you are trying to use, does not have permission on listing the pods.

The entire list of permissions mentioned in, states the following:

There are different Role which can play into account here:

  • If you are able to get cluster, then it is covered with multiple Role sections like: Kubernetes Engine Cluster Admin, Kubernetes Engine Cluster Viewer, Kubernetes Engine Developer & Kubernetes Engine Viewer
  • Whereas, if you want to list pods kub.list_pod_for_all_namespaces(watch=False) then you might need Kubernetes Engine Viewer access.

enter image description here

You should be able to add multiple roles.

-- Nagaraj Tantri
Source: StackOverflow