webhook dispatcher hash different from receiving client when moved to production on k8s cluster. whereas on local, they it works perfectly.
I implemented a webhook dispatcher, which generates a HMAC-SHA1 signature of the json body before dispatching. when testing on local, the signature and the verified digest are identical, when i deploy the same piece of codes, that's the dispatcher to a k8s pod, same json used for test, generates different hash from the webhook receiver client
Example json
"event": "review.manual",
"data": {
"recommendation": "accept",
"author": "Ebot Tabi",
"datetime": "02 Oct, 2019, 09:41AM",
"transaction": {
"transaction_score": 37,
"transaction_total_price": "4,809.00",
"is_fraud": "no",
"transaction_id": "zduaevejkjvnjo",
"customer_id": "sedeupdgixswil"
"customer": {
"first_name": "Joseph",
"last_name": "Jones",
"email": "petersonrobert@gmail.com",
"customer_id": "sedeupdgixswil"
python code for hash generation:
def generate_digest(data, secret):
return hmac.new(secret.encode("utf-8"), msg=data, digestmod=hashlib.sha1).hexdigest()