Passing Configuration object from Ciris-Kubernetes Loader


I can read my kubernetes secrets when running the below but still trying to wrap my head around Cats IO. Is there just a recommended way for me to pass the values from the resulting IO[Config]? So based on the example project the part that I'm confused by is the actual config passing. So if I have this:

def load: IO[Config] =
    for {
      apiClient <- defaultApiClient[IO]
      secret = secretInNamespace[IO]("secrets", apiClient)
      config <- configWith(secret).orRaiseThrowable
    } yield config

how can I just get the config object and property values and pass it to an object file or function? ie.

  def myPropertyFunc(cfg: Config) =
    val myprop =

The example project has code as follows which I'm not sure how to incorporate into my own simplified function:

Config.load.flatMap { config =>
  IO(println( >>

Right now I can get to the property value as follows but looking for the recommended way instead: val myprop = load.unsafeRunSync()

-- horatio1701d

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