How does Kubernetes deal with node resource changes at run time?


I'm pretty new to k8s. How does k8s deal with node resource changes? For example, if some of the nodes are VMs and their resource assignment (cpu & memory) changes over time, does k8s control plane constantly monitor the computation resources available to each node and update its records?

-- zyq

3 Answers


To be precise, what do you mean to 'changes at run time'? Did you mean that VM(node) is in cluster and you will turn off this VM, add new resources and turn on again?

If yes, please find some information here and some examples below:


You are not able to change it. During creation of Minikube cluster, if you did not specify resources, it will automatically create cluster with Minikube name, 2 CPUs and 2048 RAM.

If you will specify Minikube resources for example:

$ sudo minikube start --cpus=4 --memory=8192 -p minikube-name


Basically if mentioned VM is not Master, you just to have to turn off the VM, add resources and run it again. Kubeadm automatically will recognize that Node resources has been changed.

$ kubectl describe node <node-name>

$ kubectl describe node ubuntu18-slave
  Hostname:    ubuntu18-slave
 cpu:                2
 ephemeral-storage:  9983232Ki
 hugepages-1Gi:      0
 hugepages-2Mi:      0
 memory:             7652372Ki
 pods:               110
 cpu:                2
 ephemeral-storage:  9200546596
 hugepages-1Gi:      0
 hugepages-2Mi:      0
 memory:             7549972Ki
 pods:               110

Added resources. Just turn off and turn on VM, without kubelet restart.

$ kubectl describe node ubuntu18-slave
  Hostname:    ubuntu18-slave
 cpu:                8
 ephemeral-storage:  9983232Ki
 hugepages-1Gi:      0
 hugepages-2Mi:      0
 memory:             30875684Ki
 pods:               110
 cpu:                8
 ephemeral-storage:  9200546596
 hugepages-1Gi:      0
 hugepages-2Mi:      0
 memory:             30773284Ki
 pods:               110


It depends from cloud providedr. I've tried to achieve this with GKE. I found only one way to do it. You just have to: * Create a new node_pool with specific resources * Add them to cluster * Drain old node * Delete old node


Please remember that before turn off VM (Node) you should drain node you want to turn off.


To achieve resources usage in current time, create history of usage you can use some OpenSource or Paid software for it. All depends on your needs

  • Kubernetes Dashboard
  • Prometheus + Grafana
  • Datadog
  • Sysdig etc

However I would recommended you to use Prometheus as it is one of the most popular and you can find many tutorials online.
Here you can find many useful information about metrics and prometheus.

-- PjoterS
Source: StackOverflow


Yes, you can add grafana to see these variations in more descriptive way or kubernetes dashboard can also be helpful.

You can also calculate the resource limits assigned to the pods of your applications, the nodes where they have been scheduled, thereby getting almost an approximate idea of the memory and cpu occupancy against the worker nodes.

-- Tushar Mahajan
Source: StackOverflow


I found this link very useful. To answer your question if K8s monitor resources, yes it does, as it has to make sure the resources required on a node are within the limits allowed for a resource, for e.g, CPU.

-- Muhammad Mohib Khan
Source: StackOverflow