CI/CD pipeline with net core, containers and jenkins


I have queuestion to net core and containers:

I want to add containers to our current ci/cd pipeline for a new project. Thus, I thought about the following approach because we use already jenkins, git and ocopus:

  1. Develop your core app and check in to Git(Any source control)
  2. Have a build server which has Jenkins, .Net Core, Docker installed
  3. Configure Jenkins to communicate with Git (webhook/polling - to see if there is a check in) And configure a Jenkins job which will do the following Pull the latest from Git, Restore, Build, Publish the core application, Create a docker image which has a capability to run the core app in it Upload the docker image just created to your Docker Hub
  4. Then Octopus pulls the latest image and deploys it to different environments

Now, I saw that Visual Studio 2019 offers Container Tools in Visual Studio, to allow a better experience developing with containers in visual studio.

Would it adds extra benefit to develop with containers in visual studio on the dev machine (step 1)?

How, would you integrate the extra step developing with containers on the dev machine? Do, you make a git commit, and then push a dev image to the docker hub. Thus, the docker hub contains the dev-image and the image from jenkins?

-- user2644964

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