Nginx shows 2 different statuses in the upstream response log


I am running an nginx-ingress controller in a kubernetes cluster and one of my log statements for the request looks like this:

upstream_response_length: 0, 840
upstream_response_time: 60.000, 0.760
upstream_status: 504, 200

I cannot quite understand what does that mean? Nginx has a response timeout equal to 60 seconds, and tries to request one more time after that (successfully) and logs both requests?

P.S. Config for log format:

log-format-upstream: >-
      "upstream_status": "$upstream_status",
      "upstream_response_length": "$upstream_response_length",
      "upstream_response_time": "$upstream_response_time",
-- Ilya Chernomordik

1 Answer


According to split_upstream_var method of ingress-nginx, it splits results of nginx health checks.

Since nginx can have several upstreams, your log could be interpreted this way:

  1. First upstream is dead (504)
upstream_response_length: 0 // responce from dead upstream has zero length
upstream_response_time: 60.000 // nginx dropped connection after 60sec
upstream_status: 504 // responce code, upstream doesn't answer
  1. Second upstream works (200)
upstream_response_length: 840 // healthy upstream returned 840b 
upstream_response_time: 0.760 // healthy upstream responced in 0.760
upstream_status: 200 // responce code, upstream is ok

P.S. JFYI, here's a cool HTTP headers state diagram


-- Yasen
Source: StackOverflow