HTTPError 400 while deploying production-ready GitLab on Google Kubernetes Engine


I'm following the official Tutorial for Deploying production-ready GitLab on Google Kubernetes Engine.

The step Create the PostgreSQL instance and database: 1. Create the Cloud SQL database that GitLab will use to store most of its metadata gave me the Error:

gcloud beta sql instances create gitlab-db --network default \
    --database-version=POSTGRES_9_6 --cpu 4 --memory 15 --no-assign-ip \
    --storage-auto-increase --zone us-central1-a
ERROR: (gcloud.beta.sql.instances.create) HTTPError 400: Invalid request: Project {here_stands_my_correct_Project_ID} has invalid private network 

Any ideas, thank you?

EDIT: I used the following command and edited manually the gilab-db to Private IP with attached Network (default) in the Console getting a 503 Error at the end of the the tutorial.

gcloud beta sql instances create gitlab-db --database-version=POSTGRES_9_6 --cpu 4 --memory 15 --storage-auto-increase --zone us-central1-a
$ kubectl get pods
NAME                                                   READY   STATUS                  RESTARTS   AGE
gitlab-certmanager-788c6859c6-szqqm                    1/1     Running                 0          28m
gitlab-gitaly-0                                        0/1     Pending                 0          28m
gitlab-gitlab-runner-6cfb858756-l8gxr                  0/1     CrashLoopBackOff        6          28m
gitlab-gitlab-shell-6cc87fcd4c-2mqph                   1/1     Running                 0          28m
gitlab-gitlab-shell-6cc87fcd4c-jvp8n                   1/1     Running                 0          27m
gitlab-issuer.1-cx8tm                                  0/1     Completed               0          28m
gitlab-nginx-ingress-controller-5f486c5f7b-md8rj       1/1     Running                 0          28m
gitlab-nginx-ingress-controller-5f486c5f7b-rps6m       1/1     Running                 0          28m
gitlab-nginx-ingress-controller-5f486c5f7b-xc8fv       1/1     Running                 0          28m
gitlab-nginx-ingress-default-backend-7f87d67c8-6xhhz   1/1     Running                 0          28m
gitlab-nginx-ingress-default-backend-7f87d67c8-7w2s2   1/1     Running                 0          28m
gitlab-registry-8dfc8f979-9hdbr                        0/1     Init:0/2                0          28m
gitlab-registry-8dfc8f979-qr5nd                        0/1     Init:0/2                0          27m
gitlab-sidekiq-all-in-1-88f47878-26nh8                 0/1     Init:CrashLoopBackOff   7          28m
gitlab-task-runner-74fc4ccdb9-pm592                    1/1     Running                 0          28m
gitlab-unicorn-5b74ffdff8-4kkj4                        0/2     Init:CrashLoopBackOff   7          28m
gitlab-unicorn-5b74ffdff8-nz662                        0/2     Init:CrashLoopBackOff   7          27m
kube-state-metrics-57b88466db-h7xkj                    1/1     Running                 0          27m
node-exporter-q4bpv                                    1/1     Running                 0          27m
node-exporter-x8mtj                                    1/1     Running                 0          27m
node-exporter-xrdlv                                    1/1     Running                 0          27m
prometheus-k8s-5cf4c4cf6c-hsntr                        2/2     Running                 1          27m
-- vermillion

1 Answer


Possibly this is because it's still in beta and not all features and/or options are working correctly.

I can advice that you check if you have just one network available.

You can do that by using gcloud compute networks list.

$ gcloud compute networks list
default  AUTO         REGIONAL

If you see only default network then there is no need to worry about providing the --network flag at all.

Also form what it looks like the instance will need to use an IP either Public or Private so you can leave out the flag --no-assign-ip.

Working command might look like this:

gcloud beta sql instances create gitlab-db --database-version=POSTGRES_9_6 --cpu 4 --memory 15 --storage-auto-increase --zone us-central1-a

You can read the docs about the flags and usage on gcloud beta sql instances create

-- Crou
Source: StackOverflow