How to pass dynamic value to kubernetes container


I am new to Kubernetes and I have a simple python code which is a sum of two numbers and deployed in Kubernetes.
I want to pass two values dynamically to Kubernetes running container. My Code:

import sys

number1 = int(sys.argv[1])

number2 = int(sys.argv[2])

print(number1 + number2)

I want to pass number 1 and number 2 dynamically each time with different numbers.
Can anyone help me here?

-- ramesh

1 Answer


In your pod spec field there are fields to pass in arguments to your command. If you are using a different type of kubernetes kind (deployment, daemonset ...) that kind has a template field for your pod spec. This document has a good description of what you are trying to do.

In short you need to provide an argument field to your pods spec.

  - name: your-containers-name
    image: image
    command: ["python", ""]
      - "234" # number1
      - "433" # number2
-- BBS
Source: StackOverflow