Kubernetes: How to allow two pods running in same/different namespace communicate irrespective of the protocol using servicename?


Allow two pods (say pod A and B) running in same/different namespace communicate irrespective of the protocol(say http,https,akka.tcp) along with a valid Network policy applied.

Solutions tried:

  1. Tried applying network policy to both the pods and also used the service name: “my-svc.my-namespace.svc.cluster.local” to make pod B communicate to pod A which is running the service “my-svc” but both failed to communicate.

  2. Also tried adding the IP address and host mapping of pod A in pod B while it’s deployment, then pod B was able to communicate to pod A but inverse communication is failing.

Kindly suggest me a way to fix this.

-- Harsha G V

2 Answers


By default, pods can communicate with each other by their IP address, regardless of the namespace they're in.

You can see the IP address of each pod with:

kubectl get pods -o wide --all-namespaces

However, the normal way to communicate within a cluster is through Service resources.

A Service also has an IP address and additionally a DNS name. A Service is backed by a set of pods. The Service forwards requests to itself to one of the backing pods.

The fully qualified DNS name of a Service is:


This can be resolved to the IP address of the Service from anywhere in the cluster (regardless of namespace).

For example, if you have:

  • Namespace ns-a: Service svc-a → set of pods A
  • Namespace ns-b: Service svc-b → set of pods B

Then a pod of set A can reach a pod of set B by making a request to:

-- weibeld
Source: StackOverflow


You can put the Pods behind Services and use Service DNS for communication. Calls to service-name allow Pods in the same namespace to communicate. Calls to service-name.namespace allow Pods in different namespaces to communicate.

-- Alassane Ndiaye
Source: StackOverflow