I have deployed a Kubeflow on an EKS cluster, but want to configure HTTPS listening with a custom ACM certificate. Kubeflow utilizes Istio's ingress gateway to receive external traffic, and by default is only configured for HTTP traffic.
When I inspect the ingress.yaml
file that creates the Ingress object, I see that it is configured for only HTTP:
apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
kind: Ingress
kubernetes.io/ingress.class: alb
alb.ingress.kubernetes.io/scheme: internet-facing
alb.ingress.kubernetes.io/listen-ports: '[{"HTTP": 80}]'
name: istio-ingress
- http:
- backend:
serviceName: istio-ingressgateway
servicePort: 80
path: /*
The same exists for the Istio Gateway:
apiVersion: networking.istio.io/v1alpha3
kind: Gateway
name: kubeflow-gateway
namespace: kubeflow
istio: ingressgateway
- hosts:
- '*'
name: http
number: 80
protocol: HTTP
The only article I can find on accepting TLS traffic comes from the Istio documentation tutorial for its book service, but its configuration appears to be using a certificate that is mounted directly into the file system at /etc/istio/ingressgateway-bookinfo-certs/tls.crt
$ kubectl apply -f - <<EOF
apiVersion: networking.istio.io/v1alpha3
kind: Gateway
name: bookinfo-gateway
istio: ingressgateway # use istio default ingress gateway
- port:
number: 443
name: https-bookinfo
protocol: HTTPS
mode: SIMPLE
serverCertificate: /etc/istio/ingressgateway-bookinfo-certs/tls.crt
privateKey: /etc/istio/ingressgateway-bookinfo-certs/tls.key
- "bookinfo.com"
The problem is, when I typically configure an AWS ELB to listen to HTTPS traffic, I typically have to specify the SSL certificate from ACM (Amazon Certificate Manager). For example, this is a screenshot of me manually configuring the load balancer created by Istio to listen for HTTPS traffic: This is the certificate I acquired for my hosted zones purchased from Route 53. However, I honestly don't have any idea how I am supposed to specify this certificate within my Istio YAML configurations, or even how to mount it. I know this is a somewhat basic question, but could someone point me in the direction of a tutorial or walkthrough for how to use HTTPS listeners with ACM for Istio ingress?
I think you simply need to add annotation. You can specify which certificate to use for your load balancer like this
alb.ingress.kubernetes.io/certificate-arn: arn:aws:acm:eu-central-1:1231234564:certificate/4564abc12-d3c2-4455-8c39-45354cddaf03 (replace with the ARN you get from ACM)
And I believe you may need to listen on port 443.
Docs on available annotations available at https://kubernetes-sigs.github.io/aws-alb-ingress-controller/guide/ingress/annotation/