Traefik SSL Let's Encrypty in Kubernetes Ingress


I tried to follow the typical instalation:

kubectl create clusterrolebinding add-on-cluster-admin --clusterrole=cluster-admin --serviceaccount=kube-system:default

helm install --namespace kube-system --name traefik --values traefik-helm1-6.yml stable/traefik

With the config ( traefik-helm1-6.yml ):

imageTag: 1.6 ssl: enabled: true enforced: true acme: enabled: true email: "" staging: false persistence.enabled: true challengeType: http-01 dashboard: enabled: true domain: ""

But when access to the dashboard or a service of the pod whoami, it show insecure and taking a look of the cert it show that it is issued by and for for the domain: *

I've been looking for answers but nothing, the documentation doesn't help much. Anything helps!! Thanks!

-- redxlus

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