Kubernetes mutual trust using multiple intermediate certificates


I am trying out a scenario where mutual trust can be established between the client and server using kubernetes ingress controller.

We have two types of clients who would access our service deployed in k8s:

  1. Internal systems/users
  2. External systems/users

The idea is to build a certificate chain in the following way:

  1. For internal systems/users, issue client certificates signed by Internal intermediate CA (Internal intermediate CA is signed by Root CA)

    Root CA -> Internal intermediate CA -> internal client cert

  2. For external systems/users, issue client certificates signed by External intermediate CA (External intermediate CA is signed by Internal intermediate CA)

    Root CA -> Internal intermediate CA -> External intermediate CA -> external client cert

How can we accomplish mutual trust for the above scenario? Can we create a ca-cert secret with Root CA and the two intermediate CA certs and configure it in ingress for mutual trust.

-- dinup24

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