How to inject AWS account number into k8s ServiceAccount?


Few weeks ago AWS announced "Fine-Grained IAM Roles for Service Accounts" for EKS. It seems neat and now we'd love to make it work for our current deployments with Helm. Applications are packaged in Helm charts, where all necessary resources for that service are defined. Application charts have no clue, by design, about where they run, either namespace or environment or even AWS account. This makes charts very portable, installable in any namespace / cluster easily. We store our secrets in Vault and at runtime the pod finds out environment specific info with:

      name: vaultinfo
      key: cluster

vaultinfo comes from another chart, that is setup when new namespace is setup.

Now for EKS to use IAM roles per pod I need to inject role ARN as value for '' annotation of a ServiceAccount. This is my problem. Name of role is not an issue, as can be figured out through naming convention. Role AWS account however cannot be, and valueFrom only appears to be valid for Pod Spec.

Any ideas how to get AWS account into serviceaccount resource? Serviceaccount resource must be owned by Helm chart and not modified by something else after installation.

-- user3421490

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