How to exclude pattern in <match> for fluentd config?


I want to output all in null, except the one pattern in match. I know there are some ways to do that via @labels for example, but i exactly want to exclude pattern in match.

I want to do like this:

<match {all tags except **events**}>

What i did:

I know i can use Ruby expressions in match like this:

<match #{tag.match(/^.*event.*$/) ? "fake_tag" : "**"}>
  @type null

Logic: "If current tag has pattern - set fake_tag for skip this match, else set ** for output all in null"

But this expression doesn't work because there is no variable $tag in ENV. As i understood Ruby expression can't use config variables like ${tag}.

Maybe i can set ENV variable before match step?

Like this:

<filter **event**>
  #{ENV["FLUENTD_TAG"] = ${tag}}

<match #{FLUENTD_TAG.match(/^.*event.*$/) ? "fake_tag" : "**"}>
  @type null

These are my thoughts but maybe there are simpler ways.

The question is - how to exclude pattern in match ? :-)

-- Stepan K.

1 Answer


Drop 1 and leave everything else:

  @type null
<match **>
  # process everything else

Drop everything except one:

  # process here or send to label
<match **> # Optional block, it will be dropped anyways if no other matches.
  # drop everything else
  @type null
-- Max Lobur
Source: StackOverflow