I add one external ip
for one of my pod, and I can access pod's udp port 1234
from external network, but I found that k8s do SNAT for the request and from my pod, the source ip is k8s's ip
. When my pod response udp pkt to
, k8s does not do DNAT for me, so external network can not receive response at all. What ip and port should my pod response? Any ideas?
You don't need an explicit DNAT rule since there is a conntrack table created for the SNAT rule which has the 4-tuple(src ip, dst ip, src port, dst port) to identify a connection for the response packets. Do you send multiple udp requests with the same 4-tuple, I do remember there is a conntract table race condition for udp. You can take a look at the details of the race condition from the following link.