Why is there a VM automatically created when creating an Azure AKS cluster


When I deploy a new Kubernetes Service in Azure I recently discovered that Azure also deploys a VM, named "aks-agentpool-[8 digits]-[1 digit]".

Besides this VM being fairly costly (Standard F4s_v2 (4 vcpus, 8 GiB memory)), then I also have no control over whether it is created, and I am not even sure I can control its size.

My question is: Why is this VM created? AKS is a managed service so I don't think I should need a VM for the service itself, only the containers

UPDATE: Based on the first answers can see I am missing a bit of information. When I deploy I am already specifying VM size and node pools, so why is a default VM created for me right away? I never specify very big VMs when deploying my containers, so the the huge F4s machine that Azure creates is a complete waste.

-- Jeppe

2 Answers


AKS nodes run on Azure virtual machines. You can refer to this doc of AKS: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/aks/intro-kubernetes

enter image description here

You can specify the vm's size by this tutorial:


-- Hury Shen
Source: StackOverflow


exactly, vms are there to host your containers. only the masters\etcd are managed. not the worker nodes

-- 4c74356b41
Source: StackOverflow