I'm trying to run remotely a kubernetes command using python and ssh. The command doesn't work if is run remote, but works if is run directly on the machine.
"kubectl get po --all-namespaces -o jsonpath='{range .items[*]}{.metadata.name}{"\t"}{.spec.containers[0].image}{"\t"}{.metadata.labels.k8s-app}{"\n"}{end}"
If it runs as it is, the recive error is
"Pods [NotFound] .items[*]}"
If I replace '
with "
and viceversa the eror is "-
Expecting 'EOF'
Taking in consideration that the command run on machine directly, something is interpreted when is passed remotely to the shell. I tried different combination but are not working.
Posting this as community wiki
As @Orion pointed in comments it seems that your command is not full. I've tested it on mine GKE cluster.
$ kubectl get po --all-namespaces -o jsonpath='{range .items[*]}{.metadata.name}{"\t"}{.spec.containers[0].
When you used jsonpath=
you started it with sign '
, however you did not close it. That's why Kubernetes is still expecting some values. However, if you will end jasonpath
with '
you will receive output like:
$ kubectl get po --all-namespaces -o jsonpath='{range .items[*]}{.metadata.name}{"\t"}{.spec.containers[0].
event-exporter-v0.2.4-5f88c66fb7-xwwh6 k8s.gcr.io/event-exporter:v0.2.4 event-exporter
fluentd-gcp-scaler-59b7b75cd7-pw9kf k8s.gcr.io/fluentd-gcp-scaler:0.5.2 fluentd-gcp-scaler
fluentd-gcp-v3.2.0-6lxd9 gcr.io/stackdriver-agents/stackdriver-logging-agent:1.6.8 fluentd-gcp
fluentd-gcp-v3.2.0-zhtds gcr.io/stackdriver-agents/stackdriver-logging-agent:1.6.8 fluentd-gcp
heapster-v1.6.1-9bbcd7f79-ld4z7 gcr.io/stackdriver-agents/heapster-amd64:v1.6.1 heapster
kube-dns-6987857fdb-l2dt8 k8s.gcr.io/k8s-dns-kube-dns-amd64:1.14.13 kube-dns
kube-dns-6987857fdb-r97b8 k8s.gcr.io/k8s-dns-kube-dns-amd64:1.14.13 kube-dns
kube-dns-autoscaler-bb58c6784-8vq5d k8s.gcr.io/cluster-proportional-autoscaler-amd64:1.3.0 kube-dns-autoscaler
kube-proxy-gke-stc1-default-pool-094e5c74-6vk4 k8s.gcr.io/kube-proxy:v1.13.7-gke.8
kube-proxy-gke-stc1-default-pool-094e5c74-htr0 k8s.gcr.io/kube-proxy:v1.13.7-gke.8
l7-default-backend-fd59995cd-xz72d k8s.gcr.io/defaultbackend-amd64:1.5 glbc
metrics-server-v0.3.1-57c75779f-t2rfb k8s.gcr.io/metrics-server-amd64:v0.3.1 metrics-server
prometheus-to-sd-2jxr5 k8s.gcr.io/prometheus-to-sd:v0.5.2 prometheus-to-sd
prometheus-to-sd-xmfsl k8s.gcr.io/prometheus-to-sd:v0.5.2 prometheus-to-sd
As you want to run exact command remotely you have to use "
at beginning and the end, same with jsonpatch
Based on information you have provided, solution for your problem should be below command:
"kubectl get po --all-namespaces -o jsonpath='{range .items[*]}{.metadata.name}{"\t"}{.spec.containers[0].image}{"\t"}{.metadata.labels.k8s-app}{"\n"}{end}'"