Which s3 compatible blob storage?


I want deploy a s3 compatible blob storage in my Kubernetes Cluster. I already use GlusterFS for volumes like mongodb, and I tried to set up minio with the helm chart https://github.com/helm/charts/tree/master/stable/minio. I just realize I can't scale up minio easily because of erasure code.

So I have some questions about blob storage solutions :

As you can see, I feel lost with this s3 storage. So if you have more information/solutions, do not hesitate.

Thanks in advance !

-- Antoine

1 Answer


About reliability you should read more about user experience like:

Why openshift with glusterFS:

For standalone Red Hat Gluster Storage, there is no component installation required to use it with OpenShift Container Platform. OpenShift Container Platform comes with a built-in GlusterFS volume driver, allowing it to make use of existing volumes on existing clusters but Red Hat Gluster Storage is a commercial storage software product, based on Gluster.

How to deploy it in AWS

For minio please follow official docs:

ConfigMap allows injecting containers with configuration data even while a Helm release is deployed.

To update your MinIO server configuration while it is deployed in a release, you need to

  • Check all the configurable values in the MinIO chart using helm inspect values stable/minio.
  • Override the minio_server_config settings in a YAML formatted file, and then pass that file like this helm upgrade -f config.yaml stable/minio.
  • Restart the MinIO server(s) for the changes to take effect

I didn't try but, but as per documentation:

Here you can find differences between google and amazon s3 sotrage or Cloud Storage interoperability from gcloud perspective.

Hope this help.

-- Hanx
Source: StackOverflow