Kubernetes-JAVA-API Resources


I am planning to learn kubernetes and I am looking for good resources (books or any other online tutorials). Basically my end goal is to deploy a JAVA app in kubernetes and manage it through kubernetes API (preferred option would be through kubernetes JAVA client API). In particular my focus is on learning the following aspects - 1. Kubernetes fundamentals 2. Cluster monitoring 3. App management 4. API based auto-scaling

I searched online and unfortunately couldnt find any JAVA based books or resources (most of them are either GO or just illusstrate cluster management/monitoring through command line). Hence, I am posting this question. Any learning recommendations are greatly appreciated.

-- V1666

1 Answer


I'll recommend you to begin with an excelent book
"Kubernetes in action" writen by Marko Luksa

In addition please start with:

-- EAT
Source: StackOverflow