kubernetes: How to view or list the installed CNI addons?


Suppose I just installed one of the Kubernetes CNI plugins, for example:

kubectl apply -f "https://cloud.weave.works/k8s/net?k8s-version=$(kubectl version | base64 | tr -d '\n')"

Can I view or list the installed CNI plugins?

After installing how do I know its running? Or if I 'kubectl delete' the plugin how do I know it was deleted?

After installing the plugin, I sort of expected to see some object created for this plugin. So that if I want to delete it, then I don't have to remember the exact URL I used to install, I could just lookup the object name and delete it.

-- jersey bean

1 Answer


if you list the pods in kube-system namespace, you can see the pods. The pod's names will be started with weave-net-xxxxx. Since it is Deamonset object, the pod's count will be based on your k8s nodes. Actually one pod will be created for one node.

kubectl get pods -n kube-system
-- Subramanian Manickam
Source: StackOverflow