When I want to exctract the current value of some container env variabe I could use jsonpath with syntax like:
kubectl get pods -l component='somelabel' -n somenamespace -o \
That will return me the value of env varialbe with the name SOME_ENV_VARIABLE
. Pod section with container env variables in json will look like this:
"spec": {
"containers": [
"env": [
"value": "some_value"
"value": "another_value"
When I want to patch some value in my deployment I'm using commands with syntax like:
kubectl -n kube-system patch svc kubernetes-dashboard --type='json' -p="[{'op': 'replace', 'path': '/spec/ports/0/nodePort', 'value': $PORT}]"
But how can I patch a variable with 'op': 'replace'
in cases where I need to use expression like env[?(@.name=="SOME_ENV_VARIABLE")]
? Which syntax I should use?
Rather than kubectl patch command, you can make use of kubectl set env to update environment variable of k8s deployment.
envvalue=$(kubectl get pods -l component='somelabel' -n somenamespace -o jsonpath='{.items[*].spec.containers[*].env[?(@.name=="SOME_ENV_VARIABLE")].value}')
kubectl set env deployment/my-app-deploy op=$envvalue
Hope this helps.