Standard way to monitor ingress traffic in K8 or EKS


Is there a standard way to monitor the traffic of K8 Ingress. We were trying to extract metrics like

  • Requests per second
  • HTTP errors
  • Response time
  • etc...

Specific Environment

  • Nginx ingress
  • AWS Elastic search service [Store and search metrics]
  • Kibana and Easy Alert [Dashboard and alerting]

Solutions tried

Looking for something generic to K8 . Any hints ?

-- arunvg

2 Answers


The ingress-nginx project has a monitoring guide that describes how to send basic statistics to Prometheus, which can then be viewed in Grafana. If you cluster already has these tools installed, then it is just a matter of configuring prometheus to scrape nginx ingress controller pods.

-- James McShane
Source: StackOverflow


First of all, there is not "standard way" to monitor a cluster. People or companies have different needs, so you should implement your best solution.

If you are managing all ingress traffic from Nginx ingress controller, then you can implement Nginx based solutions. Said that, linkerd is also a great tool to monitor and manage your network stack, especially if it's simple. There is a dashboard and you can check all your requirements. Linkerd components are also not heavy as istio.

-- Akın Özer
Source: StackOverflow