Kubernetes join node preflight pending after docker version warning


I'm Doing some homework ( linuxacademy tutorial ) with kubernetes ( 1 masters and 2 nodes ) Trying add my node1 using command kubeadm join on the node.

The command is pending without any error or result. I have tried on the node2 and I have the exact same result. I must kill the process with ctrl+c to exit

[root@K8SNode2 rbo]# kubeadm join --token 9jh998.01jsgbnvsg9373ix \
>     --discovery-token-ca-cert-hash sha256:60df8024a4ee96018136424af429c5c16ffd15805                                                                                                                53128c83d4fc4861829197f
[preflight] Running pre-flight checks
        [WARNING SystemVerification]: this Docker version is not on the list of valid                                                                                                                ated versions: 19.03.1. Latest validated version: 18.09

running on CentOs7 minimal, installation on master seems good

[rbo@K8SMaster ~]$ kubectl get nodes
k8smaster   Ready    master   8h    v1.15.3

Thaks for help

-- rab

1 Answer


So, we found the issue wasn't related to unsupported Docker version but to missing Firewalld open port 6443 on Master node: you can solve it using the simple command firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port=6443/tcp along with a firewall-cmd --reload.

After that, the node joined as expected but <none> role is attached and that's expected: you have to follow this solution in order to mark the node as worker using the key-value label node.kubernetes.io/role=worker

-- prometherion
Source: StackOverflow