kube-lego not working because of a specific error


We have kube-lego setup so the certs should've auto-renewed. It didnt and according to the logs below it seems to be a problem with reaching the sites:

time="2019-08-28T22:17:26Z" level=warning msg="authorization failed after 5m0s: reachability test failed: Get https://my.website.com/.well-known/acme-challenge/_selftest: x509: certificate has expired or is not yet valid" context=acme domain=my.website..com
time="2019-08-28T22:17:26Z" level=error msg="Error while processing certificate requests: no domain could be authorized successfully" context=kubelego
time="2019-08-28T22:17:26Z" level=error msg="worker: error processing item, requeuing after rate limit: no domain could be authorized successfully" context=kubelego

I have looked into all the solutions I could google. I have killed the coredns pods and killed the kube-lego pod but it has not resolved the issue

-- Aech

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