Access non-gcr public container registry from private GKE cluster


I want to deploy an the nginx-ingress-controller image ( in my private GKE cluster but I can't pull the image since it's on's registry. How can I pull a public image that's not on GCR or the GCR Dockerhub mirror?

I thought about pulling it and uploading to my own GCR registry, but then I have to maintain updating it. Is there a way to keep a private mirror of just that image?

-- swigganicks

2 Answers


The answer provided by Andrew Ridout looks like the most appropriate one. Another way to go could be creating a private local registry and some automation script to keep your images up to date from

See also this for configuring your GKE cluster to use your private local registry.

-- Alex6Zam
Source: StackOverflow


Nodes in a private GKE cluster do not have external IPs and are unable to egress to the internet by default which is why the cluster can't pull images from non-GCR registries.

To allow internet egress you need to enable Cloud NAT in the same project as your GKE cluster.

gcloud compute routers create nat-router \
    --network custom-network1 \
    --region us-central1

gcloud compute routers nats create nat-config \
    --router-region us-central1 \
    --router nat-router \
    --nat-all-subnet-ip-ranges \

See for more details.

-- Andrew Ridout
Source: StackOverflow