Ingress Gateway/Virutal Service not working with Akka HTTP


I' running an application with an Akka HTTP endpoint on minikube. The application is running and I can access it if I use the port forward command: kubectl -n innfactory-demo port-forward PODNAMEFORSERVICE2 8090:8090 Istio is also installed and running on minikube. I would now like to create an gateway and a virtual service so that I don't need the port forward anymore. Unfortunately that's not working.


  • Debian 10
  • Minikube 1.2.0
  • Istio 1.2.4
  • Scala 2.13.0

Pods running in the namesapce innfactory-demo

I've already deployed the httpbin example in the innfactory-demo namespace and created the gateway and virtual service like in the Istio documentation. If I do it like in this example I can access the httpbin service from outside.

If I'm adapting the httpbin example to my service and deploy this gateway and virtual service. I cannot access my service from the outside. I've tried various configurations but none seems to work. What I'm doing wrong here?

-- M.List

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