kubernetes nginx ingress socket.io 400 error continously


I'm trying to expose socket.io termjs using kubernetes nginx ingress, Here is my definition of YAML file. This is python flask application

apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: ejllvrteiafpdiaqjflc
    name: ejllvrteiafpdiaqjflc
  sessionAffinity: "ClientIP"
    - port: 5000
      targetPort: 5000
      protocol: TCP
    app: ejllvrteiafpdiaqjflc
  type: ClusterIP
apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
kind: Ingress
  name: aaoxmmoyjsnditztroam
    kubernetes.io/ingress.class: nginx
    nginx.org/websocket-services: "ejllvrteiafpdiaqjflc"
    #nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/rewrite-target: /
    nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/websocket-services: 'ejllvrteiafpdiaqjflc'
    nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/force-ssl-redirect: 'false'
    ingress.kubernetes.io/ssl-redirect: "false"
    nginx.org/hsts-include-subdomains: "0cloud0.com"
    nginx.org/hsts: "false"
    nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/proxy-send-timeout: "1800"
    nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/proxy-read-timeout: "1800" 
    #nginx.org/hsts-max-age: 2592000
  - host: python3.minikube
      - path: /
          serviceName: ejllvrteiafpdiaqjflc
          servicePort: 5000
      #- path: /socket.io
      #  backend:
      #    serviceName: ejllvrteiafpdiaqjflc
      #    servicePort: 5000
  - secretName: 0cloud0-wildcard-certs
    - python3.minikube

Here is the error message which i'm receiving

enter image description here

There is continuous 400 error on my web browser console, though the idea page is served

Request URL: https://python3.minikube/socket.io/?EIO=3&transport=polling&t=Mo_0SQg&sid=38806a59fc2144fea17248f680ea612b
Request Method: POST
Status Code: 400 
Remote Address:
Referrer Policy: no-referrer-when-downgrade

There is no problem with the service

# kubectl get svc  -n playground 
NAME                   TYPE        CLUSTER-IP      EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)    AGE
ejllvrteiafpdiaqjflc   ClusterIP   <none>        5000/TCP   12m

Is there any additional nginx ingress config needs to be added, Please help

There is no issue when i deploy the same configuration over docker. The socket.io works like a charm, when i take it to kubernetes ingress it fails with 400 error

docker run -it -p 5000:5000 -v $PWD:/opt/ myimage

Here is the Live Demo

Working over insecure channel http://0cloud0.com/playground

The nginx Ingress definition

apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
kind: Ingress
    kubernetes.io/ingress.class: nginx
    nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/force-ssl-redirect: "false"
    nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/rewrite-target: /
  creationTimestamp: "2019-08-24T06:58:10Z"
  generation: 1
  name: ikqyvhiapqotawmicggv
  namespace: default
  resourceVersion: "2443222"
  selfLink: /apis/extensions/v1beta1/namespaces/default/ingresses/ikqyvhiapqotawmicggv
  uid: 09ec9f79-6c30-408e-b53e-27ea9accdc89
  - host: ikqyvhiapqotawmicggv.0cloud0.com
      - backend:
          serviceName: ikqyvhiapqotawmicggv
          servicePort: 5000
        path: /
    - {}

Not Working at secure backend https://0cloud0.com/playground

and the ingress definition

apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
kind: Ingress
    kubernetes.io/ingress.class: nginx
    nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/force-ssl-redirect: "false"
    nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/rewrite-target: /
  creationTimestamp: "2019-08-24T06:58:33Z"
  generation: 2
  name: default
  namespace: playground
  resourceVersion: "2445448"
  selfLink: /apis/extensions/v1beta1/namespaces/default/ingresses/gyybtfotzioqqettmgdd
  uid: 29c8b4d8-f37d-4116-a0f0-4c52ade073af
  - host: gyybtfotzioqqettmgdd.0cloud0.com
      - backend:
          serviceName: gyybtfotzioqqettmgdd
          servicePort: 5000
        path: /
  - hosts:
    - gyybtfotzioqqettmgdd.0cloud0.com
    secretName: certs
    - {}

This is the nginx debug logs

2019/08/25 04:20:17 [debug] 42#42: *407 epoll add connection: fd:50 ev:80002005
2019/08/25 04:20:17 [debug] 42#42: *407 connect to, fd:50 #2674
2019/08/25 04:20:17 [debug] 42#42: *407 http upstream connect: -2
2019/08/25 04:20:17 [debug] 42#42: *407 posix_memalign: 000055C3DC987410:128 @16
2019/08/25 04:20:17 [debug] 42#42: *407 event timer add: 50: 5000:1617484036
2019/08/25 04:20:17 [debug] 42#42: *407 http finalize request: -4, "/socket.io/?EIO=3&transport=polling&t=Mp70Dqy.0&sid=693a8ca68d8a4fdba627b4fe9b3e6ee6" a:1, c:2
2019/08/25 04:20:17 [debug] 42#42: *407 http request count:2 blk:0
2019/08/25 04:20:17 [debug] 42#42: *407 http2 frame complete pos:000055C3DCA6B1B2 end:000055C3DCA6B1C4
2019/08/25 04:20:17 [debug] 42#42: *407 http2 frame type:0 f:1 l:9 sid:401
2019/08/25 04:20:17 [debug] 42#42: *407 http2 DATA frame
2019/08/25 04:20:17 [debug] 42#42: *407 event timer del: 3: 1617539036
2019/08/25 04:20:17 [debug] 42#42: *407 http body new buf t:1 f:0 000055C3DC9740E0, pos 000055C3DC9740E0, size: 9 file: 0, size: 0
2019/08/25 04:20:17 [debug] 42#42: *407 http init upstream, client timer: 0
2019/08/25 04:20:17 [debug] 42#42: *407 http map started
2019/08/25 04:20:17 [debug] 42#42: *407 http map: "" ""
2019/08/25 04:20:17 [debug] 42#42: *407 http map started
2019/08/25 04:20:17 [debug] 42#42: *407 http script var: "6ed5f2d5ee580af749a3ee12955a32c6"
2019/08/25 04:20:17 [debug] 42#42: *407 http map: "" "6ed5f2d5ee580af749a3ee12955a32c6"
2019/08/25 04:20:17 [debug] 42#42: *407 http map started
2019/08/25 04:20:17 [debug] 42#42: *407 http script var: ""
2019/08/25 04:20:17 [debug] 42#42: *407 http map: "" ""
2019/08/25 04:20:17 [debug] 42#42: *407 http script copy: "Host"
2019/08/25 04:20:17 [debug] 42#42: *407 http script var: "gyybtfotzioqqettmgdd.0cloud0.com"
2019/08/25 04:20:17 [debug] 42#42: *407 http script copy: ""
2019/08/25 04:20:17 [debug] 42#42: *407 http script copy: ""
2019/08/25 04:20:17 [debug] 42#42: *407 http script copy: "X-Request-ID"
2019/08/25 04:20:17 [debug] 42#42: *407 http script var: "6ed5f2d5ee580af749a3ee12955a32c6"
2019/08/25 04:20:17 [debug] 42#42: *407 http script copy: "X-Real-IP"
2019/08/25 04:20:17 [debug] 42#42: *407 http script var: ""
2019/08/25 04:20:17 [debug] 42#42: *407 http script copy: "X-Forwarded-For"
2019/08/25 04:20:17 [debug] 42#42: *407 http script var: ""
2019/08/25 04:20:17 [debug] 42#42: *407 http script copy: "X-Forwarded-Host"
2019/08/25 04:20:17 [debug] 42#42: *407 http script var: "gyybtfotzioqqettmgdd.0cloud0.com"
2019/08/25 04:20:17 [debug] 42#42: *407 http script copy: "X-Forwarded-Port"
2019/08/25 04:20:17 [debug] 42#42: *407 http script var: "443"
2019/08/25 04:20:17 [debug] 42#42: *407 http script copy: "X-Forwarded-Proto"
2019/08/25 04:20:17 [debug] 42#42: *407 http script var: "https"
2019/08/25 04:20:17 [debug] 42#42: *407 http script copy: "X-Original-URI"
2019/08/25 04:20:17 [debug] 42#42: *407 http script var: "/socket.io/?EIO=3&transport=polling&t=Mp70Dqy&sid=693a8ca68d8a4fdba627b4fe9b3e6ee6"
2019/08/25 04:20:17 [debug] 42#42: *407 http script copy: "X-Scheme"
2019/08/25 04:20:17 [debug] 42#42: *407 http script var: "https"
2019/08/25 04:20:17 [debug] 42#42: *407 http script copy: ""
2019/08/25 04:20:17 [debug] 42#42: *407 http script copy: "Content-Length"
2019/08/25 04:20:17 [debug] 42#42: *407 http script var: "9"
2019/08/25 04:20:17 [debug] 42#42: *407 http script copy: ""
2019/08/25 04:20:17 [debug] 42#42: *407 http proxy header: "accept: */*"
2019/08/25 04:20:17 [debug] 42#42: *407 http proxy header: "content-type: text/plain;charset=UTF-8"
2019/08/25 04:20:17 [debug] 42#42: *407 http proxy header: "origin: https://gyybtfotzioqqettmgdd.0cloud0.com"
2019/08/25 04:20:17 [debug] 42#42: *407 http proxy header: "accept-language: en-us"
2019/08/25 04:20:17 [debug] 42#42: *407 http proxy header: "user-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_12_6) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/12.1.2 Safari/605.1.15"
2019/08/25 04:20:17 [debug] 42#42: *407 http proxy header: "referer: https://gyybtfotzioqqettmgdd.0cloud0.com/"
2019/08/25 04:20:17 [debug] 42#42: *407 http proxy header: "accept-encoding: gzip, deflate"
2019/08/25 04:20:17 [debug] 42#42: *407 http proxy header: "cookie: io=693a8ca68d8a4fdba627b4fe9b3e6ee6; _ga=GA1.2.1800403221.1565147284; __cfduid=d9af956869a1d3006e31a45957fdb83971566291845"
2019/08/25 04:20:17 [debug] 42#42: *407 http proxy header:
"POST /socket.io/?EIO=3&transport=polling&t=Mp70Dqy&sid=693a8ca68d8a4fdba627b4fe9b3e6ee6 HTTP/1.1
Host: gyybtfotzioqqettmgdd.0cloud0.com
X-Request-ID: 6ed5f2d5ee580af749a3ee12955a32c6
X-Forwarded-Host: gyybtfotzioqqettmgdd.0cloud0.com
X-Forwarded-Port: 443
X-Forwarded-Proto: https
X-Original-URI: /socket.io/?EIO=3&transport=polling&t=Mp70Dqy&sid=693a8ca68d8a4fdba627b4fe9b3e6ee6
X-Scheme: https
Content-Length: 9
accept: */*
content-type: text/plain;charset=UTF-8
origin: https://gyybtfotzioqqettmgdd.0cloud0.com
accept-language: en-us
user-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_12_6) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/12.1.2 Safari/605.1.15
referer: https://gyybtfotzioqqettmgdd.0cloud0.com/
accept-encoding: gzip, deflate
cookie: io=693a8ca68d8a4fdba627b4fe9b3e6ee6; _ga=GA1.2.1800403221.1565147284; __cfduid=d9af956869a1d3006e31a45957fdb83971566291845

2019/08/25 04:20:17 [debug] 42#42: *407 http cleanup add: 000055C3DCACC9C0
2019/08/25 04:20:17 [debug] 42#42: *407 init keepalive peer
2019/08/25 04:20:17 [debug] 42#42: *407 get keepalive peer
2019/08/25 04:20:17 [debug] 42#42: *407 lua balancer peer, tries: 1
2019/08/25 04:20:17 [debug] 42#42: *407 lua reset ctx
2019/08/25 04:20:17 [debug] 42#42: *407 looking up Lua code cache with key 'balancer_by_luanhli_0f29762dfd828b8baa4d895affbc4b90'
2019/08/25 04:20:17 [debug] 42#42: *407 stream socket 51
2019/08/25 04:20:17 [debug] 42#42: *407 epoll add connection: fd:51 ev:80002005
2019/08/25 04:20:17 [debug] 42#42: *407 connect to, fd:51 #2675
2019/08/25 04:20:17 [debug] 42#42: *407 http upstream connect: -2
2019/08/25 04:20:17 [debug] 42#42: *407 posix_memalign: 000055C3DC9635C0:128 @16
2019/08/25 04:20:17 [debug] 42#42: *407 event timer add: 51: 5000:1617484036
2019/08/25 04:20:17 [debug] 42#42: *407 http2 frame complete pos:000055C3DCA6B1C4 end:000055C3DCA6B1C4
2019/08/25 04:20:17 [debug] 42#42: *407 http2 frame out: 000055C3DCA35620 sid:0 bl:0 len:4
2019/08/25 04:20:17 [debug] 42#42: *407 SSL buf copy: 13
2019/08/25 04:20:17 [debug] 42#42: *407 SSL to write: 13
2019/08/25 04:20:17 [debug] 42#42: *407 SSL_write: 13
2019/08/25 04:20:17 [debug] 42#42: *407 http2 frame sent: 000055C3DCA35620 sid:0 bl:0 len:4
2019/08/25 04:20:17 [debug] 42#42: *407 http upstream request: "/socket.io/?EIO=3&transport=polling&t=Mp70Dqy.0&sid=693a8ca68d8a4fdba627b4fe9b3e6ee6"
2019/08/25 04:20:17 [debug] 42#42: *407 http upstream send request handler
2019/08/25 04:20:17 [debug] 42#42: *407 http upstream send request
2019/08/25 04:20:17 [debug] 42#42: *407 http upstream send request body
2019/08/25 04:20:17 [debug] 42#42: *407 chain writer buf fl:1 s:855
2019/08/25 04:20:17 [debug] 42#42: *407 chain writer in: 000055C3DCAAEB20
2019/08/25 04:20:17 [debug] 42#42: *407 writev: 855 of 855
2019/08/25 04:20:17 [debug] 42#42: *407 chain writer out: 0000000000000000
2019/08/25 04:20:17 [debug] 42#42: *407 event timer del: 50: 1617484036
2019/08/25 04:20:17 [debug] 42#42: *407 event timer add: 50: 60000:1617539036
2019/08/25 04:20:17 [debug] 42#42: *407 http upstream request: "/socket.io/?EIO=3&transport=polling&t=Mp70Dqy&sid=693a8ca68d8a4fdba627b4fe9b3e6ee6"
2019/08/25 04:20:17 [debug] 42#42: *407 http upstream send request handler
2019/08/25 04:20:17 [debug] 42#42: *407 http upstream send request
2019/08/25 04:20:17 [debug] 42#42: *407 http upstream send request body
2019/08/25 04:20:17 [debug] 42#42: *407 chain writer buf fl:0 s:961
2019/08/25 04:20:17 [debug] 42#42: *407 chain writer buf fl:1 s:9
2019/08/25 04:20:17 [debug] 42#42: *407 chain writer in: 000055C3DCACCAF8
2019/08/25 04:20:17 [debug] 42#42: *407 writev: 970 of 970
2019/08/25 04:20:17 [debug] 42#42: *407 chain writer out: 0000000000000000
2019/08/25 04:20:17 [debug] 42#42: *407 event timer del: 51: 1617484036
2019/08/25 04:20:17 [debug] 42#42: *407 event timer add: 51: 60000:1617539036
2019/08/25 04:20:17 [debug] 42#42: *407 http upstream request: "/socket.io/?EIO=3&transport=polling&t=Mp70Dqy&sid=693a8ca68d8a4fdba627b4fe9b3e6ee6"
2019/08/25 04:20:17 [debug] 42#42: *407 http upstream process header
2019/08/25 04:20:17 [debug] 42#42: *407 malloc: 000055C3DCAAF100:4096
2019/08/25 04:20:17 [debug] 42#42: *407 recv: eof:1, avail:1
2019/08/25 04:20:17 [debug] 42#42: *407 recv: fd:51 159 of 4096
2019/08/25 04:20:17 [debug] 42#42: *407 http proxy status 400 "400 BAD REQUEST"
2019/08/25 04:20:17 [debug] 42#42: *407 http proxy header: "Content-Type: text/plain"
2019/08/25 04:20:17 [debug] 42#42: *407 http proxy header: "Connection: close"
2019/08/25 04:20:17 [debug] 42#42: *407 http proxy header: "Server: Werkzeug/0.15.5 Python/3.7.3"
2019/08/25 04:20:17 [debug] 42#42: *407 http proxy header: "Date: Sun, 25 Aug 2019 04:20:17 GMT"
2019/08/25 04:20:17 [debug] 42#42: *407 http proxy header done
-- anish

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