I have a values file values-production.yaml
with comments such as:
# some other comments
# another comments
image: xxxx
And I use command helm install -n=test --values=values-production.yaml some-chart
to deploy application on my Cluster. But, when I used command helm get values test
, the result just like this:
image: xxx
There is no any comments. Where is my comments? How to keep comments?
My Helm version: Client: v2.11.0 Server: v2.11.0
This is impossible, as helm install
doesn't upload your values-production.yaml
file as is. Rather, it constructs an object representing all the values from various defaults and inputs, then converts that object into a file that it posts to the server. Any comments will be lost in the conversion to the object.
The core of how the helm install
command is implemented is here:
func (i *installCmd) run() error {
// omitting some code
// note below rawVals is the output of the vals function
rawVals, err := vals(i.valueFiles, i.values, i.stringValues, i.fileValues, i.certFile, i.keyFile, i.caFile)
// omitting some code
// note below the client asks the server to install the chart, passing values
// via rawVals constructed above
res, err := i.client.InstallReleaseFromChart(
// more code omitted
and here is what vals
does -- notes that the data from the value files goes into the base
object and that thing is what is finally serialized to YAML and returned by vals
func vals(valueFiles valueFiles, values []string, stringValues []string, fileValues []string, CertFile, KeyFile, CAFile string) ([]byte, error) {
base := map[string]interface{}{}
// omitting code that populates base with all the values from valuesFiles, etc.
return yaml.Marshal(base)
Helm isn't intended to be used for file-sharing, if there's text in values-production.yaml
that you want to store, retrieve, and share that isn't semantically meaningful to Helm (like comments), you'll have to consider a different solution. Not sure what your use-case is, but you could consider some blobstore service, DropBox, etc.