Get namespace quotas using k8s client-go


I am looking for a way to get resource quotas for the namespace using client-go, similar to kubectl describe ns my-namespace-name.

I have tried ns, err := k8client.CoreV1().Namespaces().Get("my-namespace-name", metav1.GetOptions{}) but it does not give quota info.

Also tried ns, err := k8client.CoreV1().ResourceQuotas("my-namespace-name").Get("name", metav1.GetOptions{}) but I can not figure out what to put as name parameter in .Get(). Tried namespace name, tried several resource types from but no luck with errors like resourcequotas "namespaces" not found or resourcequotas "limits.cpu" not found

Tried ns, err := k8client.CoreV1().ResourceQuotas("my-namespace-name").List(metav1.ListOptions{}) as well but it returned no result.

Any ideas on how to get it will be much appreciated!

-- JLevconoks

1 Answer


Ok, after some debugging and going through kubernetes and kubectl code, the way to get it is: ns, err := k8client.CoreV1().ResourceQuotas("my-namespace-name").List(metav1.ListOptions{})

Not sure why it did not work for me first time I have tried, might have made a typo in namespace name.

-- JLevconoks
Source: StackOverflow