How to scale k8s pods according to rabbitmq queue message rate?


My application is running as a container on top of kubernetes.
The application consume messages from rabbitmq.

I can't predict the exact amount of cpu so I don't want to use it as autoscale limit, though I did set the prefetch to something that looks normal.
Is there a way to follow the number of messages in the queue,
and once there are too much to tell k8s to autoscale?
Or maybe set the autoscale to follow message rate?

-- natdev

3 Answers


You could either use Horizontal Pod Autoscaler with custom metrics, which need to be provided by some custom metrics API server (boilerplate:

Or use a custom autoscaler (probably outdated:

So you either provide the metrics to HPA or you run some application that has the metrics and sends scaling requirements to the kubernetes API.

-- Markus Dresch
Source: StackOverflow


I wasn't able to find much content on this which didn't involve using an external source such as StackDriver.

I spent several days working through all the issues, and wrote up a demo app with code on how to do it. I hope it will help someone:

-- ryan-baker
Source: StackOverflow


This tutorial looks like ready answer to your question. It describes how to set up Horizontal Pod Autoscaler based on RabbitMQ queue size.

-- mario
Source: StackOverflow