Deploying adaptive multi-user Dask cluster on Kubernetes


What is the proper way to deploy an adaptive multi-user Dask cluster on Kubernetes?

I need a centralized cluster of machines multiple people can use for their work, so that it can add more machines or remove them (preferably, to 0 workers).

-- Philipp_Kats

1 Answer


Given that you have a requirement for multiple people to share a cluster of machines that you manage I recommend you check out Dask Gateway.

A Dask cluster is only designed to be used by one person at a time. You can create clusters using the Dask Helm Chart or with dask-kubernetes, but each of these methods creates a single cluster for use by one person.

Dask Gateway provides a secure, multi-tenant server for managing Dask clusters.

To get started on Kubernetes you need to create a Helm configuration file (config.yaml) with a gateway proxy token.

  proxyToken: "<RANDOM TOKEN>"

Hint: You can generate a suitable token with openssl rand -hex 32.

Then install the chart.

helm repo add dask-gateway
helm repo update
helm install --values config.yaml my-release dask-gateway/dask-gateway

Dask Gateway Kubernetes Documentation

-- Jacob Tomlinson
Source: StackOverflow