Monitor multiple nginx-proxy pods with prometheus-nginx-exporter


I have an kubernetes installation with nginx-proxy on worker nodes. It looks like one nginx pod per node deployed by kubespray with manifest:

root@d6422c83-bd13-11e9-aa68-fa163ee27044:~# kubectl -n kube-system get po -l "k8s-app=kube-nginx"
NAME                                                             READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
nginx-proxy-d8ffb7c4-bd13-11e9-aa68-fa163ee27044   1/1     Running   1          40h
nginx-proxy-d901b40b-bd13-11e9-aa68-fa163ee27044   1/1     Running   3          40h
nginx-proxy-d9029362-bd13-11e9-aa68-fa163ee27044   1/1     Running   1          40h

Nginx exporter requires scrape-uri pointed to exact Nginx service: And that exporter is deployed by Helm chart:

The usual solution for such cases is to use sidecar container with the exporter in application pod.

But here we can't do that because nginx-proxy is managed by kubespray/ansible and nginx-exporter is managed by helm chart.

I suppose it should look like: one additional pod with nginx-exporter for each not-master node with scrape-uri So somehow port 10800 should be available from nodes' localhost for nginx-exporter pod.

Any suggestions here?

-- Dmitry Kalashnik

2 Answers


If I have understood correctly this case - the sidecar was removed.
Please refer to the github issue. If I am correct: please enable metrics controller.

      enabled: true

|      Parameter            |    Description                    | Default |
|controller.metrics.enabled | if true, enable Prometheus metrics|  false  |

Please let me know if it helps.

-- Hanx
Source: StackOverflow


Solved by using hostNetwork: true option for both pods.

-- Dmitry Kalashnik
Source: StackOverflow