Converting/typecasting go interface object to concrete type


In the implementation of informer, one can provide event handlers like below.

podInformer.AddEventHandler(cache.ResourceEventHandlerFuncs {
   // When a new pod gets created
   AddFunc: func(obj interface{}) {
   // When a pod gets updated
   UpdateFunc: func(oldObj interface{}, newObj interface{}) {
       k8s.handleUpdatePod(oldObj, newObj)
   // When a pod gets deleted
   DeleteFunc: func(obj interface{}) {

This is an example event handler for processing the Pod related events. So far, I have written the handler as below; however, it is failing to read the object.

I am not able to typecast the obj interface{} into v1.Pod and an attempt to read it failing. The value of flag ok is coming out false. Can someone please suggest whats missing in this code?

func (k8s *K8S) handleAddPod(obj interface{}) {
    pod, ok := obj.(v1.Pod)
    if ok {
        log.Debug("Status: " + string(pod.Status.Phase))
        log.Debug("Pod added: " + pod.Name + " " + pod.DeletionTimestamp.String())
-- AnilJ

1 Answer


I could read the values and the content of the obj using this code.

func (k8s *K8S) handleAddPod(obj interface{}) {
    pod, ok := obj.(*v1.Pod)   // Added * here.  
    if ok {
        log.Debug("Status: " + string(pod.Status.Phase))
        log.Debug("Pod added: " + pod.Name + " " + pod.DeletionTimestamp.String())
-- AnilJ
Source: StackOverflow