I would like to know how to get current or the last read metric value of CPU and memory usage of all pods.
I tried to call the hawkler endpoint. I went to the browser developer mode by hitting f12 and took this endpoint from list of calls that are made when metrics page of a pod is loaded.
However this will give me the cpu usage metrics for the last minute, for that particular pod. I am trying to see if there is a command or way exisits that will give me only the current snapshot of cpu usage and memory stats of all the pods collectively like below:
pod memory usage memory max cpu usage cpu max
pod1 0.4 mb 2.0 mb 20 m cores 25 m cores
pod2 1.5 mb 2.0 mb 25 m cores 25 m cores
To see the pods that use the most cpu and memory you can use the kubectl top command but it doesn't sort yet and is also missing the quota limits and requests per pod. You only see the current usage.
Execute command below:
$ kubectl top pods --all-namespaces --containers=true
Because of these limitations, but also because you want to gather and store this resource usage information on an ongoing basis, a monitoring tool comes in handy. This allows you to analyze resource usage both in real time and historically, and also lets you alert on capacity bottlenecks.
To workaround problem " Error from server (Forbidden): unknown (get services http:heapster"
Make sure that heapster deployment don't forgot to install the Service for heapster, otherwise you will have to do it manually.
$ kubectl create -f /dev/stdin <<SVC
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: heapster
namespace: kube-system
whatever-label: is-on-heapster-pods
- name: http
port: 80
targetPort: whatever-is-heapster-is-listening-on
List resource CPU & Memory utilization for all containers (pods)
kubectl top pods --all-namespaces --containers=true
The default admin, edit, view, and cluster-reader cluster roles support cluster role aggregation, where the cluster rules for each role are dynamically updated as new rules are created. This feature is relevant only if you extend the Kubernetes API by creating custom resources. Cluster-role-aggregator
apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1
kind: ClusterRole
name: top-pods-admin
rbac.authorization.k8s.io/aggregate-to-admin: "true"
rbac.authorization.k8s.io/aggregate-to-edit: "true"
rbac.authorization.k8s.io/aggregate-to-view: "true"
- apiGroups:
- metrics.k8s.io
- pods
- get
- list
- watch