AWS EKS Cross Cluster Load balancing between pods using Layer 4 ELB


I have a situation where i'm deploying a k8s service of type LoadBalancer in one EKS cluster which is creating a Layer 4 ELB in AWS. This ELB can discover k8s pods in the same EKS cluster (based on label-selector) . What do I need to do so that same ELB (layer 4) can discover pods running in another EKS cluster ?

My primary use case is based around supporting cross cluster injection using mutating admission controller.

I have a mutating admission controller that injects a side car container in a pod. A webhook server (pod) is responsible for the actual injection (which I want to load balance across EKS clusters). I am trying to see if I can avoid deploying the webhook server in every EKS cluster which will help me in 2 ways :

1) Reduced monitoring / operational aspect

2) Since kube-api server is responsible for calling the webhook-server in an EKS cluster, if for whatever reason the webhook-server in that EKS cluster is unavailable , injection should still happen since we would have a webhook server running in another EKS cluster.

-- Devesh Kandpal

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