How to know if a container is running on a leader kube-scheduler pod of a HA cluster?


I have a HA cluster(say 3 masters with 1 kubes-scheduler pod on each master). There is a container running in each kube-scheduler pod. Inside this container, there two problems need to be solved here:

  1. How to know which kube-scheduler pod the container is running on?
  2. How to know if the kube-scheduler this container is running on is a leader?

I know the "holderIdentity" field of the "" annotation of the pod will tell the ID of the leader. Then the only question is how to know which pod the container is running on. Or there is a way I can simply know if the pod I'm running is a leader.

-- JoyceLee

1 Answer


You can check the logs of kube-scheduler. You shall see lock is held by <HolderIdentity> and has not yet expired in the logs of non-leader Pods. And also successfully acquired lease or successfully renewed lease in the leader Pod logs.

-- wineinlib
Source: StackOverflow