Repeated logs "client closed connection while SSL handshaking"


I see some strange logs in my kong container, which internally uses nginx:

2019/08/07 15:54:18 [info] 32#0: *96775 client closed connection while SSL handshaking, client:, server:

This happens every 5 secs, like some sort of diagnostic is on. In my kubernetes descriptor I set no ready or liveliness probe, so I can't understand why there are those calls and how can I prevent them from appearing as they only dirt my logs...

edit: It seems it's the LoadBalancer service: I tried deleting it and I get no logs to get rid of those logs though?

-- Phate

2 Answers


Just simply check what is connecting to your nginx:

kubectl get po,svc --all-namespaces -owide | grep

after that, you should know what is happening inside your cluster, maybe a misconfigured pod or some clients.

-- FL3SH
Source: StackOverflow


This has been already discussed on Kong forum in Stopping logs generated by the AWS ELB health check thread. The same behaviour with lb heathcheck every few seconds.

Make Kong listen on plain HTTP port, open that port up only to the subnet in which ELB is running (public most probably), and then don’t open up port 80 on the ELB. So ELB will be able to Talk on port 80 for health-check but there won’t be a HTTP port available to external world.

Use L4 proxying (stream_listen) in kong, open up the port and then make ELB healthcheck that port.

Both of solutions are reasonable.

-- VKR
Source: StackOverflow