Use service discovery to dispatch jobs with same ID to same worker node


(Apology in advance for the noob question; I have zero experience with DevOps.)

In my recent project I stumbled upon this problem that I don’t know if service discovery tools (such as Consul/Istio/etc.) can address.

Our use case is this: we have a VoIP app similar in idea to Discord. Users can join a voice channel and start talking. However, to forward the voice packets between users in a same voice channel, their WebRTC voice connections need to be handled by a same server process, so that we can process & forward all the voice packets in a voice channel in-memory.

In order to do this, we have a separate service (call it service X) in front of our voice service (service V) that receives a user request to join channel N, and based on N, assign a server in service V to the user. We need to guarantee that for the same channel N, X always picks the same server in V.

We implemented this in a non-scalable way just for quick prototyping. Now that we want to implement this properly, I’m wondering if tools like Consul/Istio/etc. can help us in this scenario. Is there a common approach to address this kind of problems?

-- Zizheng Tai

1 Answer


Istio won't necessarily help you since it's more about [controlling traffic](Like you mentioned you can use Consul as a service discovery tool, or ). For example, doing canary deployment or applying security to your service. Quoted from the docs:

Istio doesn’t provide DNS resolution. Applications can try to resolve the FQDN by using the DNS service present in their platform of choice, for example kube-dns.

You can use the standard Kubernetes service discovery using DNS for Services and Pods. Or like you mentioned you can use Consul as a service discovery tool, the added benefit of using something like Consul is that since it's not Kubernetes specific you could potentially also use for services outside your Kubernetes cluster or in other Kubernetes clusters.

Since sounds like your initial connections come and go, it sounds like that in order to who joins what channel and what channel talks to what backend you will need to keep state somewhere like a database, or key-value store.

-- Rico
Source: StackOverflow