I would like to understand when pods are in a pending state because required resources aren't available to them to be scheduled..Is there a way to track time that pods are spending in "Pending" or "Scheduled" states?
To display all pods - also in permanent "pending" state you can use:
kubectl get pods --all-namespaces -o=jsonpath='{range .items[*]}{.metadata.name}{"\t"}{.status.phase}{"\t"}{.status.startTime}{"\n"}{end}'
kubectl get pods --all-namespaces -o custom-columns=NAMESPACE:metadata.namespace,POD:metadata.name,STATE:status.containerStatuses[*].state.waiting.reason,PHASE:status.phase
under the status.conditions
field in the pod manifest shows the timestamp of each intermediate state of the pod before it reaches Running
Timestamps below of the pod's transition Initialized -> Ready -> ContainersReady -> PodScheduled
$ kubectl get pod coredns-fb8b8dccf-2lhl4 -n=kube-system -o json | jq '.status.conditions'
"lastProbeTime": null,
"lastTransitionTime": "2019-07-22T19:58:17Z",
"status": "True",
"type": "Initialized"
"lastProbeTime": null,
"lastTransitionTime": "2019-07-22T19:58:56Z",
"status": "True",
"type": "Ready"
"lastProbeTime": null,
"lastTransitionTime": "2019-07-22T19:58:56Z",
"status": "True",
"type": "ContainersReady"
"lastProbeTime": null,
"lastTransitionTime": "2019-07-22T19:58:17Z",
"status": "True",
"type": "PodScheduled"
After a pod is initialized, it is usually in Pending
state until it is scheduled (PodScheduled
state above) and reaches Running
There are no other answers yet...so here we go:
kubectl -n <namespace> get events --sort-by=.metadata.creationTimestamp
...will list events sorted by timestamp (replace <namespace>
as appropriate).
For a concrete pod, this will output comma-delimited list of status changes and their timestamps:
kubectl -n <namespace> get po/<pod-name> -o jsonpath="{range .status.conditions[*]}{.type}{','}{.lastTransitionTime}{'\n'}{end}"
From those, considering Pod Lifecycle, and a little scripting, it should be possible to derive the info you are looking for.