Kubectl how to connect to config file


I've setup a K8s cluster and got the config file which I have placed in the username/.kube directory

I can't seem to workout how to link my Powershell Kubectl to this config file by default. For instance if I try and run the following command I don't get the cluster I've setup.

kubectl config get-contexts

If however, I run the following command, I do get a list of my current nodes

kubectl --kubeconfig="cluster-kubeconfig.yaml" get nodes
-- Rutnet

1 Answer


Copy contents of cluster-kubeconfig.yaml file to $HOME/.kube/config

This will be the default kubernetes context file.

You can also override and point to any other custom kubernetes context using


as mentioned here.

For more info check this out.

Hope this helps.

-- mchawre
Source: StackOverflow