K8s Service as DaemonSet


Is there a possibility to have a service in all namespaces of k8s dynamically deployed?

Right now, glusterFS endpoint(ns dependent) is being deleted by k8s if the port is not in use anymore. Ex:

  "kind": "Endpoints",
  "apiVersion": "v1",
  "metadata": {
    "name": "glusterfs"
  "subsets": [
      "addresses": [
          "ip": ""
      "ports": [
          "port": 1

So I made a svc for port 1 to be used all the time, so I dont end up with a missing/deleted endpoint in any ns.

apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: glusterfs
  - port: 1

It would be interesting to have the above service deployed dynamically every time someone creates a new namespace.

-- Xao

1 Answer


DaemonSet is used to deploy Exactly one replica per node.

coming to your question, why do you need to create same service across namespaces? It is not supported out of box though. However, you can create a custom script to achieve it.

-- P Ekambaram
Source: StackOverflow