Kubelet in Windows 10


I wanna ask something cause I looked for it and couldn't find a clear answer about it anywhere.

Can kubelet be used in windows 10? Because all I found is usage of kubelet in linux operating systems only. Also what became my theory is that kubectl is the kubelet version of windows operating system maybe? I'm really confused about it and couldn't find any clear answer about kubelet in windows and about a comparison between kubelet and kubectl.

I'll be really grateful if someone could explain that to me.

-- teamdever

2 Answers


You can add windows node to the Kubernetes cluster following the instructions from the official documentation page. As it mentioned in the documentation, you can get all required components using the links from the Kubernetes CHANGELOG-1.15.md page:

If you need other version of binaries please find CHANGELOG for specific version on Kubernetes Releases page.

You need to have Docker engine installed on your Windows machine. Here is the manual how to do it for Windows 10.

-- VAS
Source: StackOverflow


Can kubelet be used in windows 10

Kubelet is one of Node Components and it is part of Kubernetes infrastructure. It is required to proper working of Kubernetes, so it is used in linux/unix, windows and mac.

Also what became my theory is that kubectl is the kubelet version of windows operating system maybe?

kubelet is an agent that runs on each node in the cluster. It makes sure that containers are running in a pod. kubectl is a command line interface for running commands against Kubernetes clusters. More information ca be found in documentation.

Please visit Kubernetes Components to get familiar with others Kubernetes components. Here you can find more information about kubelet and here about K8s infrastructure.

I'm really confused about it and couldn't find any clear answer about kubelet in windows and about a comparison between kubelet and kubectl.

Those both cannot be compared. One is component of infrastructure, second is command line to execute K8s commands.


To run Kubernetes on Linux/Windows/MacOS you have to have container manager like docker. For Linux there is special package to download, for Windows is Docker for Windows. (Latest versions of Kuberetes also supports Windows Containers, but its different topic.)

To run Kubernetes on Windows, you have to use Minikube. It allows to run a single-node Kubernetes cluster inside a Virtual Machine.

You can find how to configure Kubernetes on Windows in this tutorial.

Hope it help to understand.

-- PjoterS
Source: StackOverflow