Access etcd metrics for Prometheus


I have set up a v1.13 Kubernetes cluster using Kube spray. Our etcd is running as docker containers outside the K8s cluster. If I check the etcd certificates, I can see each etcd has its own ca, client cert and key.

If I want to scrape the /metrics endpoints of these etcd conatiners for Prometheus, which certificates to use for the HTTPS endpoints?

-- swetad90

2 Answers


While not exactly what you asked, I had great success pushing that authentication down onto the actual machine by using socat running in a sidecar container listening on etcd's prometheus port :9379 and then you can just point prometheus at http://${etcd_hostname}:9379/metrics without having to deal with authentication for those metrics endpoints.

I don't have the socat invocation in front of me, but something like:

socat tc4-listen:9379,reuseaddr,fork \
-- mdaniel
Source: StackOverflow


I am not yet sure, if this is the most secured way or not. But I took the ca.pem, cert and key that one of the etcd uses.

I created a kubernets secret object out of the three:

kubectl create secret generic etcd-metrics -n monitoring --from-file=etcd-secrets/

Then I added the secrets as configmaps in Prometheus config and below as my scrape

- job_name: etcd
  scrape_interval: 15s
  scrape_timeout: 10s
  metrics_path: /metrics
  scheme: https
 - targets:
   - 172.xxxxx:2379
   - 172.xxxxx:2379
   - 172.xxxxx:2379
  ca_file: /etc/ssl/etcd/ca.pem
  cert_file: /etc/ssl/etcd/etcd-node.pem
  key_file: /etc/ssl/etcd/etcd-key.pem
  insecure_skip_verify: false
-- swetad90
Source: StackOverflow