Kubernetes multiple ingress-nginx controllers


I have a situation where multiple ingress-nginx controllers are required. I have gone through kubernetes Github(https://github.com/kubernetes/ingress-nginx/blob/c3ce6b892e5f1cc1066f81c19482dded2901ad45/docs/user-guide/multiple-ingress.md) and


I get the usage of ingress.class ability to make the multiple controllers possible. visited much more resources over internet and couldn't really find any example manifests or situation explaining whether the controllers must be created in separate namespaces with their own serviceaccount,clusterrole and clusterrolebindings? because how could we handle the loadbalancer created using kind: service and configmaps of controller1 and controller2 be distinguished between 2 ingress-controllers when they are created in same namespace??

Apologize for any bad format, kind of new and will improve. Thanks

I currently have a ingress-nginx controller on aws created using these steps https://kubernetes.github.io/ingress-nginx/deploy/#aws. with an ingress.class=private.

Looking to create a second controller with ingress.class=public

-- user11411591

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