Google Kubernetes Engine CD CI with Git


I'm relatively new to Google Kubernetes Engine and Google cloud platform.

I managed to use and connect the following services.

  • Source Repositories
  • Cloud Builder and Container Registry
  • Kubernetes Engine

[![enter image description here](

I'm currently using git bash on my local machine to push it to Google source repositories. Google Cloud Build builds the image and creates a new artifact. Each time I change my app and push the changes to cloud repositories a new artifact is created. I would then copy the new artifact to Kubernetes Workloads Rolling Update

Is there a better way to automate this? e.g. CD/CI without

enter image description here

-- cloudviz

1 Answer


You can set the rolling update strategy in your deployment spec from the beginning. You can then use Cloud Build to push new images to your cluster once the image has been built instead of manually going to the GKE console and update the image.

-- Patrick W
Source: StackOverflow